Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Last week I had the privlage of watching my nephew Micah for a few hours. He is a sweet boy, but has a pretty startling cry. He got a little loud waiting for lunch and this was my solution. His cries made Emma cry and she wanted me to hold her, so Micah went on the front and Emma on the back. They were both quite happy for almost an hour. I, on the other hand, felt shorter and tired. Posted by Picasa


Dan & Hillary and little Russell said...

Now can you imagine twins? Twice the fun and twice the pain!

Annie said...

YOU look like supermom. Are you ready to have another or was one day enough?

Sherri said...

I agree with Hillary and Annie! It gives me a back ache just thinking about it!

Jenni said...

You are amazing Al!!