Thursday, September 15, 2005

What would you do with hair like this? As winter is approaching, we thought about going darker with the color and even out the top a bit. Any suggestions?


Andee said...

Maybe a perm...

Aly sun said...

I want to wait until she is at least 5 years old like my mother did. By the she can really understand the gravity of looking like "Orphan Annie" and take the ridicule from children and adults.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking some red highlights since we are going into fall...what about some whispy bangs? We might need hair extensions for that.


Sherri said...

Do I detect some wounds from the past coming back to haunt us? How about some hair gel, Or you could borrow some of that "hair" spray uncle Mike once had for covering bald spots!
Really Emma remind your mamma that you are a baby, and you have perfectly beautiful baby hair! I love the color!

Dan & Hillary and little Russell said...

Stay blonde as long as you can, Baby Girl.

Jenni said...

Hey Em, take some advice from Aunt Jenni...stay natural as long as you can, because once you color, you'll never want to quit!