Jeff and Emma at the airport in London

Emma eating dinner at the Barr's with 2 of their daughters, Rachel and Cherilyn

Emma looking for snakes and lizards in a mango tree in Lilongwe, Malawi

Just a few of the pictures I took of amazing wildlife at the Mvuu Park in Malawi.
Emma was quite impressed and fell asleep in the boat.
Wow, is right! You guys are so blessed to be able to do this as a family! Keep those updates coming!!
Glad you found a way to get your pics on! Can't wait to see them all, they will help emma to 'remember' this trip!And thanks again to Hillary for posting for you.
I'm so glad you guys got to go to the game park!! The pics are great!
The pictures were worth the wait. Also loved hearing about the peoples hunger for the gospel!!! Being able to be a part of that is such a privalege for you guys. Even if the tile doesn't come in time, we know that those precious people hearing God's word is a lot more important. However, I'll be praying the tile does come in time!
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