Monday, May 07, 2007

Fun with friends

This week we are having fun being tourists with the Andersons from Saskatchewan. Yesterday we went to the Portland Zoo and had a great time.

It's been 10 years since Amanda and I met auditioning for a worship band at Briercrest. Neither of us made the band, but we were fast friends and were roommates the next year. I was in her wedding and she was in mine. It is a blessing that over the years we've stayed in close contact. Last year we went to Saskatoon to visit them and now it is a privilage to have them visit us. Instead of midterms, caf food, and late night nachos to bond us, we have our faith, husbands, and that fact we both had to grow up and be mommies. It's a joy to have her here with her husband, Linds, and son, Liam.

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Laura said...

Kris and I went to the Nashville Zoo yesterday, which is smaller than Portland but still nice. You'll have to come and see it too.

Lindsay said...

Looks like fun! And I can't tell you have poison oak either!

Jessi Reber said...

Looks like you healed up from the poison oak...I was glad to SEE that! :)And I love the bear pictures...cute!

Tawny said...

I was looking for posion oak or evidence that you were about to have a baby. You're looking great Alysun!

Jenni said...

These are great pics of the bunch of you.

Linds and Manda said...

Thanks again Alysun for having us. What a great time. One of my favorite parts...being moms together...instead of a long two days drive apart.