Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Survey Says

Four jobs I have had:

1. Janitor

2. Lifeguard

3. Formal Wear Consultant

4. Church Secretary

Four Places I have lived:

1. Dallas, OR

2. Caronport, SK, Canda

3. Palomar, CA

4. Monmouth, OR

Four TV shows I like to watch:

1. Rachael Ray


3. Prison Break

4. This Old House

Four Places I've been on vacation:

1. England, France, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy

2. Disney Land

3. Maputo, Mozambique

4. San Diego, CA

Four of My Favorite Foods:

1. Spaghetti

2. Fish and Chips

3. Cheese Cake

4. Tacos

Four Places I'd Rather Be Right Now:

1. At a spa being pampered

2. Reading a book

3. On a road trip with my husband

4. Eating one of my four favorite foods

Four Places I like to Shop:

1. Gap.com

2. Pottery Barn

3. Home Depot or Lowes

4. Cost Plus World Market

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