Monday, September 17, 2007

At the hospital

My 2 girls. Emma and Mandy!

Jeff and his second little girl.

Don't feel too sorry for this guy with all the females in his house -- he loves every minute.

She really is this excited about baby Mandy! She is already a fantastic big sister.
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This is where those who are faint of heart, male, pregnant, or childless should stop reading. There is nothing lovely about a labor story, although I do feel compelled to tell it.

It wasn’t “easy” like everyone led me to believe a second birth would be, but it was quicker. We got the hospital at about 8:30am and we checked in to our spacious delivery room in Corvallis. The midwife on call was the one I have been seeing since the transfer from Salem and I loved the nurse who was assisting. I progressed quickly from 6cm when we arrived to 8cm just an hour later. The contractions were quick and hard and I powered through without an IV or Epidural. I sat in the Jacuzzi for a bit as well and kept thinking, “This isn’t so bad. They were all right, the second is easier!”

The transition into heavy labor changed my mind! The baby was turned and I pushed through some horrible contractions while in strange positions. She finally turned and I pushed for 20 minutes on my back while screaming. I requested the squat bar and pushed through more contractions in that position as the baby finally made some progress through the birth canal. Incredible, horrible pain! That is all I can say. The ring of fire is a reality I will not soon forget. Seeing the baby’s head emerge was my motivation and Mandy was born! She was healthy and weighed 7 pounds 10 oz. and 19 inches long.

My husband was proud of me for doing the delivery without help with the pain, but commented, “Wow, you sure screamed a lot more this time.” Ya, I can’t say I was very quiet. The pained seemed harder and more intense than it did 3 years ago even though I pushed for 3 hours to get Emma out.

She is worth every minute!


Marci said...

Darling picture of Emma with Mandy!

Linds and Manda said...

Great pictures. I love Emma's expression. I can almost feel the love seeping through the computer screen when I look at the pic with you and your two girls. We're not worried for Jeff at all...we know he's a great dad. We are so happy for you.

Linds and Manda said...

Hey picture with you and your new sister. I was just sitting here with my mom, pointed to your picture and said, "Em" clear as day. Miss you. Have fun playing with your new sister. When she's older you will have to push her around on the tractor like you did for me this summer. Love you, Liam

Jenni said...

I love that first picture of you Emma and Mandy....but I must say, I see your mom in you in that one, and you don't even have bangs right now.