Mandy is now 3 weeks old and has learned so much in her short life. She recognizes our voices and we love making her follow us around the room as she turns her shaky head. It is fun watching her react to Emma -- Mandy already gets agitated with all the pestering/love. Daddy doesn't help either, blowing on her soft cheeks. That is another thing... she is gaining weight and getting those cute baby rolls that are so fun to tickle and kiss. She is starting to smile more and she just takes my breath away with how precious she is. She was warm and clean, fresh from the bath for these impromptu photos. Of course Emma was not far behind, saying "cheese" and sticking her head in front of Mandy's. It is no wonder the 2nd child gets so few solo pictures (I am a 2nd born too!)

My how I want to kiss her cheeks!
She's so adorable. I love how she looks just a bit different in each picture. It's almost like I'm sitting across the living room from you three great women watching your day unfold.
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