Saturday, February 23, 2008

Mandy Rose

Mandy is already 5 months + 1 week. She's reached some milestones! Mandy rolled from her tummy to her back one month ago now and had her first back to tummy roll 2 weeks ago (a full month and a half before Emma did the same trick). Now a seasoned pro at rolling, she rolls all over the place very quickly, follwing her toys and sister around the room and even out of the room. She also just started scooting backward on the hardwood floors.
Besides being mobile, she is happy and fun. Her girgling laugh is addicting and I find myself doing very strange and embarrasing things to hear her giggles. If you've met Mandy, she probably gave you a smile. She is just a delight! She rarely cries any more -- I almost don't want to let the secret out about how much fun she is because you all might want to baby-sit and I just want her all to myself.
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1 comment:

Lindsay said...

She's just a doll!

Your description of her made me think of Wyatt....he was always happy and had the best laugh, too. It's a joy!!