Sunday, April 06, 2008

The Great Rearrangement of '08 Results

Emma's new room seems bigger with the light blue walls. With the sun filtering through the white shears, the room is like a breath of fresh air. Emma really likes her new room and her new big bed.

Mandy's room is much less cluttered, as you can see. We took out the twin bed and made room for a chair (from upstairs). The changing table moved to the other side of the room. The walls are the same, but I got a new shelf at the First Baptist church's big kids sale for $5. Mandy seems to miss her sister and has been waking up a lot more. That means lots more work in the middle of the night as I have to go all the way down stairs.

Our new room: That is wall the formally known far and wide as "the plaid wall." I love our new room!
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Annie said...

Very nice! I still want to know how you got the mattress upstairs. It's really bugging me :). You are great at decorating.

Aly sun said...

Jeff cut the box spring with a saw just on the wood frame. That left the springs that fairly easily folded backward so that it fit through the door frame up the stairs. The mattress fit OK since it was able to bend a little.

Peters Family Farms said...

How accompishing!

Kelleigh Ratzlaff Designs said...

This is AWESOME!! You must be thrilled!!