Friday, April 18, 2008

I love my new computer, but it is giving me a terrible time today. I want to post pictures of the recent 8 cousin photo shoot. I want to post pictures of Emma pushing Mandy in the stroller at mach 3. I want to upload pictures to Costco. I want to send an email with a picture attached. These were things that used to take me 15-30 minutes and now and I can't seem to do at all. I know I am stuck in low gear because of my dial-up internet, but it appears my Mac doesn't want to let me do anything if it has to do it slow. Combine that with my limited time frame and I feel like when I stumbled into "Critical Thinking 401" when I was a freshman. The class had loads of pre-requisites that of course as a frosh I had not taken, but the professor let me continue the class anyway as a test subject. Could a first year student hack it with seniors and grad students discussing predetermination, the Johary window, and wisdom vs. the mind? Barely. I made it through the one test and the one 30 page paper by the skin of a hard fought for D.

I now feel like I am a similar boat with this Mac business. All the Mac users are so far ahead of me and seem to be speaking at different OXS language. And why, oh why, do I have dial-up internet at 34 kbs when I have a computer with 700 GBs? It seems ridiculous.

Time will tell if I can figure all this stuff out without talking to my buddy Imar again (he goes by Mark Davis, but he and I both know he is not in a cubical anywhere on this continent). Actually time will not tell because my angels just woke up and my window of opportunity is closed. ;) Pictures later...

1 comment:

Grandma Sherri said...

But your thinking was forever changed, so the Value of that D far exceeds an A, so by logic you will see that when you learn all you need to know about that Mac you will be way ahead, never mind the struggles along the way...And maybe Imar will learn English a little better while he helps you!