Thursday, May 29, 2008

A few favorite DC pictures

The United States Capitol Building was so regal to view in person. We couldn't get very close because of a concert on the lawn the same evening, but it was amazing just the same.
The National Cathedral was my favorite sight. It was a lovely day and we spent the morning in the beautiful sunshine touring the cathedral and the Bishop's Garden. 

You can just see the side of the Capitol Building behind the fountain as Mandy and I ended our day of touring in DC. There is so much to see and we didn't come close to seeing everything.

Arlington National Cemetery was a moving experience, especially seeing it for the first time on Memorial Day weekend. Flags decorated every one of the thousands of graves. I walked through the cemetery with a lump in my throat as I thought about the lives that were sacrificed for our nation's freedom. Every grave marks the end of a life of someone's on or daughter. It was profound and I am grateful for the opportunity to pay  my resect.


Marci said...

I am so jealous!! I've always wanted to see Arlington on Memorial Day in person, not just Jessi's pictures. It is ONE of my favorite places in D.C. The Bishop's Garden is another, so I'm glad you got to go there too. It's a great place to view the National Cathedral and it's awesome architechture through frames of wonderful flowers! Glad you guys had such a good time and good weather too!!

Cathy said...

What a perfect time of year to go. Was it muggy or just wonderfully warm?!