Emma does. She sure loved that music. I thought it was a bit loud, personally.

I took Hillary and Russell to the airport and we had to stop back at Laura's house on the way (we had both forgotten some things there). While talking with Laura's mom, I rolled down one of the back windows on the car to give the kids some air. When I went to roll it back up.... nothing. It was stuck and then.... kuthunk, it fell down into the door. We have many things to be thankful for, but I was still really upset! We left our guests at the airport and then Emma and I journeyed home in the wind tunnell, formally known as the Jetta. Thank the Lord it wasn't raining and that I had brought a nice big blanket for Emma to hide under.
Jeff was able to fix the car window and Emma and I are working out the kinks in our "convertable" hair.

What an adventure. I know those kind of car problems very well. Sounds like you had a great time.
That happened in my beetle! And I was nannying in the bay area at the time so I had to drive from Modesto and the coast like that and it was loud and annoying. Good thing your man was able to fix it! Mine had to go into the shop. Your last line left me giggling :)
Emma's Joy is contagious wheter you like the music or not! Sure is a great pic of you two.
by the way-You, Hillary and Laura all had gorgeous hair Did you go to a salon or did she have a friend do it for you?
Your parents look great! We need to have another Friesen get-together so that we can see everyone again. It's been way too long!
You have such a way with stories. I can't help but laugh, even though I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time.
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