Saturday, November 18, 2006

Mozambique Update

I often assume the only people who look at my blog are people I talk to or email frequently. Well, there are some of you out there who visit Paradise with little background information on us. One big thing happening to us quite soon is a trip to Africa. I am excited and I am much less nervous this time!

In the winter of 2003-04, Jeff and I journeyed to Lichinga, Mozambique, Africa. Our mission was to help Jeff’s aunt Janice, a missionary with SIM, with the remodel of her new home. We spent 6 weeks painting, sewing, welding, and painting some more. The house still had no running water when we left to return home, but was more comfortable than when we arrived. Janice and her roommate were pleased with the progress. The highlight of our trip was a trek into the bush with Janice as she checked on the progress of her SIM team members. We experienced a raw side of Africa that tourists rarely see; from a tarantula next to the pit toilet, to praying our way across a broken-down bridge. We grew as a couple and learned many new things about ourselves and the culture and people of Mozambique.

The trip to Africa was my first and Jeff’s third. He helped Janice in 1997 and also 2001. We wanted to return and were praying about the possibility. Recently, we discussed the idea with Janice. She was excited and said she already had a list of things that needed to be done.

We began making plans and will leave on November 22nd, 2006. We will fly to Lilongwe, Malawi where we will meet Janice. We hope to connect with family friends, the Barr’s at their orphanage near Lilongwe.

We will then drive with Janice back to Lichinga, a 6 hour drive on “improved roads.” Back at Janice’s home, Jeff will begin the prep-work for a tile floor in the entire house. (I had the pleasure of trying to clean the existing cement floor on our first trip; tile will be so much easier to keep clean). We plan to finish the job before we leave as well as help with a VBS project.

In Lichinga, we are looking forward to seeing friends we made last time we were there. Janice works with a wonderful group of missionaries and Mozambique nationals that we spent time with and anticipate catching-up with again.

Many of you are probably thinking, “What about Emma!!?” . Emmaleigh will join us and we are taking all the necessary precautions for her health and safety. Emma will enjoy playing with other MK’s in Lichinga and probably won’t know the difference between Africa or camping in Eastern Oregon. She may not remember this experience, but we hope the adventure instills in her early a love for missions.

We will celebrate an early Christmas with Janice. She spends most every holiday without her family and we look forward to the opportunity to be with her this year. We will leave for home right before Christmas, arriving home on December 23rd.

The trip is expensive and we have been so blessed with generous contributions. We feel encouraged and know God is leading us as we depart for Africa.

As you think of us, we ask you to pray for our journey, our attitudes, health and productivity. It is our desire to be useful and encouraging to Janice as she continues to share and teach the Gospel in Mozambique.

I will try to update this blog as often as I can while we are away, but email service is not reliable or cheap. We will experience a lot and I know I will want to share it.


Cathy said...

Thanks for sharing! We had heard you mention a trip to Africa somewhere in the past on your blog. What an awesome thing to be able to do together as a family!
We'll be praying for you all. Looking forward to you sharing more with us later!!

Sherri said...

See you Wednesday!!

The Brothers said...

Aaaaah. Much better! Pick me up a baby or 2 while you're there? It would save us a trip next year. Our orphanage is in Ethiopia and I simply CANNOT WAIT to make the trip! Hope you take lots of pics and God bless your journey!!

Tawny said...

You leave today. I am so sad, but I am praying for your trip. To have you even further away breaks my heart, but the stories are bound to be good ones. God bless!

Andee said...

We miss you already. Can I borrow...just kidding! Have a blast, globe trekkers.

Jenni said...

Praying for you guys! Can't wait to hear some of the exciting stories!