If only life could always be this simple. We had 3 different family parties over the weekend and I am left feeling a little stressed with things that still need to be done before we leave in a little over a week. Want to see part of my list? Sure you do...
Tuesday, MOPS
Wednesday, Bible Study in Salem and finish shopping, friends for dinner
Thursday, wrap all the Christmas presents, leave for Peters' thanksgiving at Eagle Crest
Saturday, return home
Sunday, church, set up Christmas tree
Monday, laundry, clean house and finish packing
Tuesday, MOPS steering team meeting, more packing, laundry and cleaning
Wednesday, leave for Seattle -- our plane leaves at 9 pm for Malawi, via NY, London, and Johannesburg.

I'm hoping that the "friends for dinner" this Wednesday, still means little ole me. =)
We're praying for you while you are in Africa! Looking forward to lots of good pics.
Your letter is now on our prayer board and we are thinking and praying for you as you prepare and travel. Love you guys.
Whaaaa? Did I miss something? Africa? Surely you wouldn't forget to blog about the reason you're going to Africa! I thought I was the only one obsessed with going there! Now I'm all curious and I'll probably have to wait to find out...
Prayers for all of you sweetheart! I can't believe its less than a week now- hope your list is progressing with joy and time to relax before you sit down on that plane
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