Tuesday, March 18, 2008

$40,000 Kitchen Make-Over Complete

You are looking at this first picture and yawning, aren't you? That is the way I've felt about my kitchen for quite some time. My cabinets are old and painted white. My dishes are blue and white, so I've haven't wanted to change my color scheme. My ideal solution would be new cabinets, tile floor, one of those beautiful apron front sinks, all new stainless appliances, and of course new dishes.
Instead, I live in an all-too-real world where my budget does not allow for $40,000 kitchen remodels -- maybe $40, but not with all those 000's after it.
Here is my budget solution for under $40:

I found bamboo shades at ShopKo for 75% off, making them only $12 each. I was thrilled with this find!

The bulletin board was practically free and was a craft at MOPS using the left-over card board fabric bolt covered in material I bought in Africa. If we don't figure in the cost of that trip, the bulletin board comes out to less than $5.

I painted my kitchen table red. There are probably about 3 of you who are coveting my red table... for you, there is Brick Dust paint from Bi-Mart. You can go and paint something of your own. For those of you who are wondering how I managed to convince Jeff that a red table is a good idea, I first told him I was going to paint all the cabinets that same red. After that, the red table seemed like his idea.

The office chair is one I got from my grandpa's shop after he died. It's been sitting in my garage and I keep thinking I really want to bring it in and use it. Now it is in my kitchen and I love the look of it. I can almost feel Grandpa Harv's creative genius when I sit in it. He was a brilliant wood worker and the chair sat in his wood shop since I can remember. It has classic lines to it and the silver matches my drawer pulls.

So there you have it. My $40, not $40,000, kitchen make-over.

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Laura said...

I love the red. It's better to go easy on the red in kitchens and dinning rooms though. Red encourages you to eat more. But with all the white cabinetery, maybe you need red walls?

Peters Family Farms said...

What do guys have against red in the house anyways? They sure don't seem to mind them on tractors, pick-ups, mowers, boats ect.....

Cathy said...

Wow...you really pulled together that corner of the kitchen! Looks great. I LOVE the table, but then again, red is my favorite color. That chair is really cool and how fun that it was your grandpas! And what a great find at Bimart!

Cathy said...

Woops, wrong store...sorry!

Marci said...

LOVE THE RED TABLE!!! But then this coming from someone who has one color of enamel in the garage cupboard...barn red! It works for the front door, back door, mirror, bookshelf cupboards, and of course the barn! By the way I love my red walls in our dining room! Oh yeah, I love the bamboo shades too!

Kelleigh Ratzlaff Designs said...

That chair rocks!! I want one! And I love those shades. Do they actually work, or are they decorative only? Either way, I'd be thrilled, too!