Thursday, March 13, 2008

I love a good survey. You know those email surveys we get from our friends will 50 random questions that mean little or nothing to the general public, but manage to waste 10 minutes of time we should have spent on something else? I just did one yesterday where I could only have a one word answer! Tricky and I actually had the think.

I’ve also been enjoying the blog poll. From the looks of things, there are a lot of you in need of an exotic vacation outside of Mexico and Canada. I highly recommend southern Africa. It is beautiful and warm this time of year and the Indian Ocean is as warm as a bath. I am pretty sure that Janice and Laura are the only ones who have visited more countries than I have. Actually, my cousin Phil probably has us all beat, but I don’t think he voted on my surveys since he’s been in the US the last few weeks.

Have you seen my cluster map? That sounds strangely dirty, but really it is just a map that tracks the Internet Providers who are logging onto my blog. From there, I’ve discovered I have people all over the world looking at my little paradise… not just the 5 of you who comment. I see my East Coast friends are looking in, as well as my Canadian buddies. Hillary in San Fran logs in regularly, as well as her friend, April, in San Diego. I think the hit from Japan area is Jeff’s cousin who should really have a blog and Australia’s clusters are Janice, who is there visiting friends on her way to the States in a few weeks. I had no idea I knew so many people in the mid western US. And who is checking me out from Europe? You would have come in handy when I was backpacking 7 years ago and didn’t know a soul in Europe. Checking out my blog is kinda like coming into my living room (only it is always clean here J). Glad you stopped by and I would love to know who some of you are!

To keep in the theme of “surveys” for the day, I have a question for you. This would never be a dilemma if I didn’t have children, but I do. If you are answering the question and frequently have the opportunity to go into a store by yourself, count your blessings, because this is my complicated life:
Say you finished Bible study at 10:30am and you pick your 3 year old and infant up from the wonderful, provided childcare. The 3 year old needs to go to the bathroom and so do you after 2 cups of tea, but the toilet the child wants to use is the very cool miniature toilet in the nursery. It is plumbed and flushes very nicely, but you decide there is no way you can use it in good conscience. You get your kids out of the church and into the car through the rain realizing that you still need to go the bathroom. Your next stop is W-M and then home. The baby needs to eat and is starting to fuss (it’s been 3 and half hours since she ate and she usually eats after 2 hours). You drive to W-M and park, still needing to go to the bathroom as the 3 year old excitedly names off 400 things she wants to look at in the store including shoes and bikes, on the opposite sides of the store. Here is your question, do you…
a) Feed the baby in the car while practicing our Kegels, then go in to use the bathroom hoping you’ll make it?
b) Quickly run into the store with both children, use the bathroom and come back out to the car to feed the baby, and go into the store again to do the shopping?
c) Go into the store, use the bathroom, do your shopping, all while rushing the 3 year old because the baby is screaming now at the top of her lungs? (This option would probably have you forgetting at least 3 things on your list for sure).
d) Another fantastic idea I did not come up with because I needed to go to the bathroom so badly.

Thankfully I was able to make it through this situation without incident or accident, but I am curious what my very smart world-wide blogging audience would have done.


Anonymous said...

a) was pretty funny but I couldn't imagine doing that
b) I think it's impossible to rush n and rush out with two children
c) Impossible
d)I wish I knew what to say

Lindsay said...

I'd say it'd be a tie between a and b, depending on how bad I REALLY needed to go....but in actuality, with all the coffee I drink I might have HAD to use the mini toilet :)

Great post....I was bummed to miss MOPS, too, but Will was home sick

Kelleigh Ratzlaff Designs said...

Oh my gosh. Been there. So, what do I do? Either use the mini (and listen to my knees crackle on the way back up) or ...

Roll the shopping cart into the bathroom, use the toilet, then put the toddler in the cart, lean against the cold, dirty tile wall and nurse the baby all the while threatening the toddler to STAY IN THE CART and praying that the woman in the stall next to me won't report me.

I can't believe I have done that.

Peters Family Farms said...

i am the not so smart "c" person. if it's really important i'll remember and if not, make another trip and i don't care when ppl. stare at me with my kids screaming. if they don't like it they can help me :)

Laura said...

I'm speechless. I probably would have just forgotten it all and gone home. If you are going to forget something, you might as well just do it all later.

If I counted right, I am up to 17 countries right now, and Kris has been to 11. I'm bummed that I am missing out on Finland this year, but we are looking forward to going back to South Africa next year. You wanna come?

Andee said...

Move to town where Walmart is only two minutes away. Of course then you would live two minutes away from a Walmart, which has it's own negatives. I'd have squatted.
Oh, and your site is very clean--except for the cluster maps.

Anonymous said...

Okay Alysun - How about this? After Bible study, use the bathroom before picking up your girls - go to the car, nurse your baby and then go to the store. Just a suggestion! I'm one of your blogger readers that never comments but enjoys seeing pictures of your cutie pies and reading about your life on the farm!
Great Aunt Marlene

Grandma Sherri said...

Here's a great one I would not have done but should have. Go to the RR first, sit in the coffee shop at Wally world, get Emma a treat while you nurse the baby, thats why they make hooter hiders right?
Oh and I may know your European connection, probably "Big" Andrea from way back when you were too young to remember her but she hasn't forgotten you, and her mom is one of your midwest connections who comments from time to time.

Sara said...

I think I would have unloaded everyone and gone back into the church since that is where you were when realized you still needed to go to the bathroom (who wouldn't rather use the church bathroom rather than the bathroom at Wal-mart?). I'd also probably have fed the baby at church too. But if that wasn't an option, I think I would have just skipped the Wal-mart thing. There's not much that can't wait for another day....except diapers, maybe! =)

Andee said...

I loves Aunt Marlene's suggestion. So cool. So composed. So rational...

Marci said...

I'm with Marlene. I would have went to the RR first before picking up children. It may sound selfish, but there are certain needs that must be met if you're going to be worth anything to anyone else. Having little children is like playing checkers. You've got to plan several moves ahead and plan for all the unexpected moves with alternate plans. I wouldn't be above chucking the whole shopping at Walmart thing. There's always another day!