Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Redneck Luxury High Rise

This looks like a great, cheap way to add on to your home. "Classy" was the word that came to my mind when I received this picture in a forward. It made me smile any way.

I am pretty disappointed in my blog audience and your lack of farm knowledge. I will continue these quizzes throughout the spring and summer to improve your tractor naming and farm implement skills.

The tractor is a New Holland (they bought out Ford, sorry Dad), pulling a disk. A "dead furrow" has to do with plowing and is the large ditch made on the first row (or last, however you look at it). The furrow is made when the scooped mow-boards turn the dirt over to one side as the tractor moves forward. There is always a dead furrow when you plow, unless you use one of those switch plows, and those don't work very well.

Now you can get through the rest of your day. I am not quite sure how you were functioning without that knowledge. Someday you will thank me when you are on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? and they ask,
For $32,000, the mow-board is part of which of these farm implements? Is it the...
A) rake
B) plow
C) sub-soiler
D) harrow

Can I be your phone-a-friend? I might come in handy for questions such as these. I am also a wiz at kitchen terms, some things having to do with Latin (I took 2 semesters in HS), and random Bible questions. You never know.... :)
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Annie said...

I didn't even try to answer them. Your knowledge of farming is truly amazing. Paul has some pretty fond memories of working on the farm with Jeff before either of us were around. It was refreshing to visit you the other day. I realized after I got home that I wished that I had held Mandy, but I totally forgot to with watching mine talking up a storm!

Kelleigh Ratzlaff Designs said...

So funny. That is not what I guessed a dead furrow was. I'm totally following this, but I was lost, so I didn't post.

PLEASE be my phone-a-friend!

Peters Family Farms said...

Not sure what "mowboard" is could you mean moldboard plow?

the part that "molds" the soil

So, plow, final answer.

Laura said...

So are there no Ford tractors anymore? Now I miss our 1931 Ford even more. BTW-I unknowinly solved the crisis last night with some random emails I forwarded to the new manager. I am brilliant!

Sara said...

Hmm, maybe I'll have to start posting fishing questions on my blog....