Monday, March 31, 2008

Newest Project:

Husband: Do not take a picture.
Wife: Why not?
Husband: I don't want a picture of this on the blog.
Wife: I can't believe you would think I would blog about this. I just want a picture to show how creative and smart you are. 20 years from now we are going to wish we had a picture of how we got the mattress up the stairs.
Husband: No pictures. Everyone will think we're rednecks.

Husband turns on saw and pieces of mattress go flying. Wife does not take a picture because she is submissive.


Andee said...

Way to utilize the loop hole!

Grandma Sherri said...

I guess that means grandma and grandpa are downstairs now? And did it work?

Dan & Hillary said...

I think I saw something like this on, "My Redneck Neighbor"... just kidding;-)

Kelleigh Ratzlaff Designs said...

That is funny. I can totally see us having a conversation like yours. Mitch usually gives me a look, which I capture on camera, and since it was the only picture of the event, I use it in my scrapbook! Hee hee!

Annie said...

Did you actually cut your matress in half? I'm trying to figure out how you will sleep on it. With a chainsaw? Please explain. Oh and congrats on your new computer! We may make the switch someday too.