Monday, June 23, 2008

10 things about today

  1. I love the sunshine, but I am still wearing winter clothes because I am cold.
  2. Mandy is a CRAB because she is teething.
  3. My mother and I have been playing phone tag for days.
  4. I am on laundry load #2 and love hanging my clothes out to dry outside (in the sunny cold).
  5. Emma went to work on the big sprinkler with her Daddy this morning.
  6. I have no idea what to make for lunch, but I just spent 1/2 hour looking at Pioneer Woman's delicious recipes.
  7. I am going to take pictures of girls this afternoon and try a new technique (also from Pioneer Woman).
  8. I should vacuum the one rug in my house.
  9. I should sweep the rest of my square footage while the 3 year old is out of the house.
  10. I am going to go get something accomplished...


Cooking with Big E said...

I like your list! I have a crabby teething boy in my house so I can feel your pain. He seems to think the best pain relief is to nurse and nurse often which means I'm super sore and ready for these teeth to pop!

Grandma Sherri said...

I can't vac, the belt has been broken for weeks, I keep borrowing the camp vacs- maybe I will remember next time I'm at the store. Will continue the phone tag, but I think its your turn:)