Thursday, June 12, 2008

What do snaggle teeth, camera lenses, and W-sitting have in common?

As a general rule, I don't post to the blog unless the previous post has at least one comment on it. The previous post has zero comments, yet here I am, posting again. This could be a sign that I am addicted to the blog. You could help me out by leaving a comment.

I have a few pictures and a little bit of time. I just have to do something with it:
Check out this snaggle tooth. The poor girl. Her top teeth are not growing in nicely, straight, or in any kind of order. She is such a cutie, I can get over it.

The highlight of my week was getting a new lens for my camera. While I was on my trip, my lens stopped focusing automatically. It wasn't the END of the world as I know it because I am able to manually focus with my lens and camera. It is just much more difficult to get in-focus shots of moving little people. The lens was 15 years old and not digital, so I didn't feel too bad about getting a new one. It has a wider angle so I can capture pictures like this one of Emma. She isn't really that tall, it is just the lens. :)

And this picture is of Emma. My sweet girl. I recently had her evaluated at the Education Services Department for her speech delay. I have been concerned since she began talking and was relieved to finally have an expert listen to her. The evaluation was a 2 step process with the first meeting to assess whether or not she should even be evaluated. 

At the first meeting, the 2 evaluators asked me general questions about her development and asked about my concerns. The speech therapist played with Emma and evaluated her during play. Emma loved her and talked to her more than I thought she would, being a stranger. They noticed her sitting with her knees bent, feet behind her, in a W pattern (like the picture above). They were very concerned and asked if she always sat like that. Emma has sat in that position pretty much since she started sitting up. Apparently W-sitting is a no-no and there is a lot talk about it being detrimental to physical development. Sitting in that position prohibits trunk movements, delaying crawling and walking in many children. Also, it can delay handedness, because the child does not reach across herself for toys during play, but uses the hand closest to the toy. In any event, if you are interested in learning more about W-sitting, you can Google it. There is a lot of information about it. It is almost impossible to re-program Emma because she is in such a habit of sitting like this. If you see your little ones sitting like this, discourage it early.

The second meeting was this week and Emma passed with flying colors. Passing, meaning she does not qualify for any speech therapy. She went through 2 hours of solid testing, using games to assess her cognitive, social, and communicative development. Some of the questions were really hard, but Emma impressed me with the things she knew, like "Which is bigger, the room or the house?" I haven't taught her that kind of thing. Some of the questions she had NO clue on and I was getting worried. The teacher told me at one point that they had to ask questions until Emma answered 3 wrong in a row. She assured me that Emma was consistently answering questions correctly in the 5 year old age bracket. I knew she was smart, she just has such trouble communicating what is going on in her head.

The program director understood my original concern, but did not think that speech therapy would help. They recommended one on one teaching, memory games, and vocabulary words -- basically homes schooling. I was really grateful for the evaluation. They validated my worries over her development and gave me the next step as I continue to educate Emma.

It is just another day in paradise...


Peters Family Farms said...

Both the boys sit "W" style every once in a while, but now come to think of it Jacob especially. Jake hasn't developed as quickly as Josh had, but I blame that on lazy partenting on my part. Emma is a very bright girl and the last few times I been with her she has talked more than ever before! Did these experts happen to say anything about children that blame things on their flying pet bear? Just wondering ;)

Annie said...

Good to know! Too bad you had to go out and buy a new lense - Paul would understand how brokenhearted you are.

pseudostarss said...

Hi from Sk. Canada! :) So, About people commenting on your blog... I do read it often! Ive never commented because I didnt want to seem like a weirdo.. But here it goes! I found you through Amanda and Lindsay(in Sk)! Ive known Amanda since I was 11 and she was my youth leader. Im 21 now. =) But yeah! I like reading your blog because I can sometimes see myself in how you post(Like your post on your cats the other day). Its neat and makes me smile. Plus, your girls are beautiful!! :) Anyhow, I enjoy your blogs! I hope your weekend is a good one!

Linds and Manda said...

It was so good to talk with you yesterday. Such good news about Emma's improving speech. I'm sure you will do a great job working with Emma.

Cathy said...

OK, so I guess I'm one of those wierdos who comments on almost everything :-)....I had no clue about the "w" sitting position. I sat like that my whole life! No wonder!! I'll have to watch our grandkids and see what they do!

Cathy said...

Also...Brittany's teeth came in that same way...also Rile's top tooth was off the side. Hunter just got his first top tooth, front and center. So, I don't think it's that unusual...just looks weirdely cute!

Cooking with Big E said...

I'll leave a comment, but I just found your blog yesterday after googling your name since you said it popped up that way! I'm new to the world of blogging but I'm enjoying it very much :) Your girls are beautiful by the way!