Friday, November 07, 2008

For sale:

Everything sold! I am so excited. With the exception of the accessory binder (going to cousin, Sara), a lady bought the whole lot. Craigslist is the best.

I just posted a sale ad to Craigslist here for scrapbooking supplies and organizers. If you see anything you would like, let me know. The items are left over from my short career as a Creative Memory Consultant. I got such a good deal on things that I would often purchase things hoping someone would want them later. I am left with a random inventory that is taking up space. I would really like to be rid of these items so I can buy more things that I will actually use. 


Sara said...

I didn't know you'd quit being a creative memories consultant - was it because it took much time, didn't make you enough money, or what? Just curious. =) By the way, I LOVE your family pic in the top banner on this page!!

Aly sun said...

I don't do CM any more because it wasn't a good fit with my personality. When I quit, I said it was the time, but I easily find time for things I love. Doing parties was just too stressful. I still love the products but wasn't very careful about what I bought for my inventory and many things never sold.

Shawna said...

Been there done that, with the CM consultant stuff! I to adore the new photo on top, it is Beautiful!