Tuesday, December 07, 2010

25 days of attempted crafts: consumable gifts!

I crafted yesterday, although some would consider it "baking." I was making some container gifts. I used a granola recipe that I enjoy from my friend, Grace.

Check out her link here: Grace Is Blessed By God.



Anonymous said...

Hi Alysun,

I am Candice who is Hillary Youngs sister. I often look at your blog to see what you are up to. I think it will be fun to do crafts for 25 days straight, and it looks like you have 2 small helpers to assist you. You are a very creative person and you do a great job of redecorating your home with using your imagination. I hope you will have a joyous Christmas season. I have also written you for another reason regarding travel. I know in the past you back packed through Europe and was wondering if you could give me some advice on what to take such as the kind of clothing? I am planning to go with Brittany to Europe this summer, and I have no idea of what type of clothing I should purchase. I thought you would be a good person to ask. I hope you do not mind. my email address is cwaitt@briercrest.com

thanks, Candice

Season said...

I love this granola recipe too! Giving it as a gift is a great idea! What did you pack it in?