Monday, May 28, 2012

Finding Time

Still on my to-do list each week is to write a devotional for

After the baby's birth, I felt like writing about living a fulfilled life in Christ would be like a parched desert wanderer giving a review on a ski resort. I was just not there.

I can't write if I have no inspiration. And I have no inspiration if I'm not reading my Bible and praying. Maybe I should quit this commitment, I thought. When praying about it and using my old stand-by excuse, "I don't have time," I felt convicted that it wasn't true. Even in my hectic newborn snuggling, homeschooling, poop cleaning, story reading, messy house living, meal preparing, sleep deprived life.

Photo credit: Kellie Parry Photography

I found the time in an unlikely place. In the middle of the night. 

I was up anyway and read 3 novels on my iPad in the last few weeks... all in the night, nursing and rocking my baby. It was great entertainment to read these free Christian Kindle novels, but God showed me that I could use my time more wisely even in the middle of the night.

Photo credit: Kellie Parry Photography

I downloaded a free Bible onto my iPad so I could continue using it as my soft-glow nightlight while I cared for the baby (it works great!). I also downloaded a Bible reading plan that helps me set goals. I'm working through Psalms currently. Tommy takes about 45 minutes to an hour to feed/burp/puke all over me/feed/change/feed/burp/puke all over me/feed and get back to sleep again. Sometimes he goes 4 hours between these escapades at night, but sometimes it is only 2 (from the start of one to the start of the next). T is not an "easy" baby or a quick eater like my other 3 babies were. But maybe God has a plan here?

Kind of crazy that I could be getting encouragement in the darkest hours of the day. But our God doesn't ask for excuses or normal.

It is so easy for me to long to hurry past this stage so I can be productive for Christ. 

When my kids are bigger, 

when everyone is taking care of their own bathroom business and the only butt I worry about is my own, 

when even one of them can do school work without me reading the directions to them, 

when I am not a slave to their constant snack demands, 

when I'm caught up on laundry and my floor is clean, 

when I've had an uninterrupted conversation with my husband, 

when I am well rested, when, when, when....

God bless Stumbling!

The time is now, the rain is falling and God is still providing everything I need. I praise him for his goodness in my life.


PS I loved this practical article on how to get it all done. Just what I needed to read!


Kelsey said...

Thank you for sharing this, your honesty will encourage many. I downloaded the audio Bible app and I LOVE it! Keep on keeping on!

Sara said...

Oh, Alysun, I'm sorry to hear that Tommy isn't as quick an eater or an easy baby! Those first few months are so difficult and draining regardless, but those things combined with three more kids to take care of must seem nearly impossible at times. But soon this phase will pass and you will be in your new norm with four kiddos. God's grace is sufficient. And thank you for the reminder not to put off until life gets easier.